Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules are an official document of Smart-Service LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and determine the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals using the services of the MyQRcards service (hereinafter referred to as the Service), available at and in the MyQRcards mobile applications (hereinafter referred to as Users).

1.2. The purpose of these Rules is to ensure adequate protection of information about users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users of the Service are governed by these Rules, other official documents of the Company and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. The current version of the Rules, which is a public document, is available to any Internet user by clicking on the link The company has the right to make changes to these Rules. When changes are made to the Rules, the Company notifies the Users of this by posting a new version of the Rules at the permanent address no later than 10 days before the relevant changes take effect. Previous versions of the Rules are stored in the archive of the Company's documentation.

1.5. These Rules are developed and used in accordance with the User Agreement for the MyQRcards service posted at In the event of a conflict between these Rules and other official documents of the Company, these Rules shall be applied.

1.6. By registering and using the Service, the User agrees with the terms of these Rules.

1.7. If the User disagrees with the terms of these Rules, the use of the Service must be terminated immediately.

2. Terms of use of the Service

2.1. Providing services for the use of the Service, the Company, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User:
has all the necessary rights to enable them to register and use the Service;
indicates reliable information about themselves in the amount necessary to use the Service;
realizes that the information posted by the User about themselves may become available to other Users of the Service and Internet users, may be copied and distributed by such users;
realizes that some types of information transmitted by them to other Users cannot be deleted by the User themselves;
is familiar with these Rules, expresses their consent to them and assumes the rights and obligations specified in them.

2.2. The Company does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about users, unless such verification is necessary in order to fulfill the Company's obligations to the user.

3. Purposes of information processing

3.1. The Company processes information about Users, including their personal data, in order to fulfill the Company's obligations to Users regarding the use of the Service.

4. Composition of information about users

4.1. Users' personal data include:

4.1.1. provided by Users when creating business cards in the Service: name, surname, patronymic, mobile, home and work phone numbers, email address, date of birth, home address, links to social media profiles, place of work and position.

4.1.2. additionally provided by the Users at the request of the Company in order to fulfill the obligations by the Company to the Users arising from the contract for the provision of the Service. The Company has the right, in particular, to request from the User a copy of an identity document or other document containing the name, surname, photograph of the User, as well as other additional information that, at the discretion of the Company, will be necessary and sufficient to identify such User and will allow exclude abuse and violation of the rights of third parties.

4.2. The Company may also process other information about Users, which includes:

4.2.1. additional data obtained when accessing the Service, including data on technical means (devices), technological interaction with the Service (including the IP address of the host, type of the user's operating system, browser type, geographical location, Internet service provider, data from the address book, data obtained as a result of access to a camera, microphone, etc. devices), and subsequent actions of the User in the Service.

4.2.2. information automatically obtained when accessing the Service using bookmarks (cookies).

5. Processing information about users

5.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the principles:

a) the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
b) good faith;
c) compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes predetermined and declared in the collection of personal data, as well as the powers of the Company;
d) the correspondence of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data to the purposes of processing personal data;
e) inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.

5.1.1. Conditions and purposes of personal data processing
The Company processes the user's personal data in order to fulfill the contract between the Company and the User for the provision of the Service (clause 8.1 of the User Agreement for the MyQRcards service). By virtue of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", a separate user's consent to the processing of their personal data is not required. By virtue of paragraphs. 2, clause 2 of Article 22 of this law, the Company has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data.

5.1.2. Collection of personal data
The collection of the User's personal data is carried out when creating and editing the User's business cards in the Service.

5.1.3. Storage and use of personal data
Personal data of users is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems, except for cases when manual processing of personal data is necessary in connection with the fulfillment of legal requirements.

5.1.4. Transfer of personal data
The personal data of the Users are not transferred to any third parties, except for the cases expressly provided for by these Rules.
When specifying the user or with the consent of the user, it is possible to transfer the user's personal data to third parties, the Company's counterparties, subject to the assumption of such counterparties taking obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the information received.
The provision of personal data of Users at the request of state bodies (local authorities) is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

5.1.5. Destruction of personal data
The User's personal data is destroyed when:
- the User deleting data from their business cards;
- removal by the Company of information posted by the User in cases established by the User Agreement for the MyQRcards service (clauses 2.8 and 3.2).
- removal by the Company of information posted by the User in the event of the termination of a paid subscription. In this case, all information exceeding the volume provided by the free subscription will be deleted. The Company stores the User's data on its electronic media for 30 days after the end of the paid subscription, during this period the User has the right to restore the data by renewing the paid subscription.

5.2. By posting information in their business cards, including their personal data, the User understands and agrees that this information may be available to other Internet users.

6. Rights and obligations of users

6.1. Users have the right to:

6.1.1. access information about themselves through the MyQRcards mobile applications;

6.1.2. independently make changes and corrections to information about themselves in business cards in the System, provided that such changes and corrections contain up-to-date and reliable information;

6.1.3. delete information about themselves from business cards in the System;

6.1.4. require the Company to clarify their personal data, block or destroy them if such data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing and if it is impossible to independently perform the actions provided for in cl. 6.1.2. and 6.1.3. of these Rules;

6.1.5. on the basis of a request, receive information from the Company regarding the processing of their personal data.

7. Measures to protect information about Users

7.1. The company takes technical, organizational and legal measures in order to ensure the protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

8. Limitation of the validity of the Rules

8.1. These Rules do not apply to the actions and Internet resources of third parties.

8.2. The Company is not responsible for the actions of third parties who, as a result of using the Internet or the Service, have access to information about the User, which they have placed in their business cards, for the consequences of using information that, due to the nature of the Service, is available to any Internet user. The Company recommends that Users take a responsible approach to resolving the issue of the amount of information about themselves posted on the Service.

9. User requests

9.1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Company, including requests regarding the use of their personal data, provided for in clause 6.1.5 of these Rules, in writing at the address: Russia, 197022, Saint Petersburg, Aptekarskaya nab., 20, letter A , office 509 or in the form of an electronic document signed with a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, at the e-mail address:

9.2. The request submitted by the user must contain the following information:
number of the main identity document of the user or their representative;
information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
information confirming the user's participation in relations with the operator (in particular, the email address used to register in the System);
the signature of the user or their representative.

9.3. The company undertakes to consider and send a response to the user's request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

9.4. All correspondence received by the Company from users (requests in writing or electronic form) refers to information of limited access and is not disclosed without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the User's special consent otherwise than to respond to the topic of the request received or in cases expressly provided for by law.